Invited Talks

Overview of GNSS+R Remote Sensing, 2022/05, 北京大学
风云三号E星GNOS-II海面风产品最新进展与DDM数据在NWP模式中的直接同化, 2022/03,中国气象科学研究院

Conference and Workshop Presentations

After 2020

A Review of the GNSS-R Wind Product from the Chinese Fengyun-3 Constellation,2023/12,IOVWST 2023
The development of microsatellite-based GNSS remote sensing and photometer in NSSC,2022/12, NSSC-UPC Mini-workshop on Remote Sensing
Updates on the GNSS-R Ocean Wind Product from FY-3E GNOS-II Mission, 2022/10, 11th ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop
NSSC’s GNSS-R Research Progress in 2021, 2021/11, 10-TH ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop
GNSS Reflectometry of GNOS-II on FengYun-3E Satellite: Mission Review and Prelinimary Results, 2021/11, AOMSUC-11 & FY-USERCON 2021
Preliminary Validation of FengYun-3E GNOS-II GNSS-R Wind Product, 2021/09, IEEE GNSS+R 2021

Before 2020

Huang, Feixiong, Bachir Annane, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Giuseppe Grieco, Ad Stoffelen and Ross Hoffman, “The Influence of Assimilating CYGNSS DDMs on Global Analyses and Tropical Cyclone Forecasts”, in 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Online, Dec. 2020.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, Giuseppe Grieco, Ad Stoffelen and Ross Hoffman, “Assimilation of GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps into Weather Models”, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2020, Online, Sep. 2020.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison , Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, Giuseppe Grieco, and Ad Stoffelen, “Assimilation of CYGNSS DDMs into Global Surface Wind Analyses”, in CYGNSS Science Team Virtual Meeting, Online, June 2020.

Annane, Bachir, Mark Leidner, Ross Hoffman, Feixiong Huang, and James Garrison, “Influence of Assimilating CYGNSS Ocean Surface Wind Data on Tropical Cyclone Analyses and Predictions”, in EGU General Assembly Conference 2020, Online, May 2020.

Grieco, Giuseppe, Feixiong Huang, Ad Stoffelen, James Garrison, and Marcos Portabella, “Are multi-look approaches feasible for GNSS-R winds?”, in 6th Workshop on Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments, ARSI’19, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Nov. 2019.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “Assimilation of CYGNSS Delay-Doppler Maps by a Two-Dimensional Variational Analysis Method”, in *IEEE GNSS+R 2019}, Benevento, Italy, May 2019.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “Direct assimilation of Delay-Doppler Maps into Hurricane models by a Variational Analysis Method”, in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy, May 2019.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, S. Mark Leidner, Ross N. Hoffman, and Han Zhang, “Demonstration of Assimilation of CYGNSS Delay-Doppler Maps (DDMs) in a 2-Dimensional Variational Ocean Vector Wind Analysis”, in 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, Jan. 2019.

Garrison, James, Han Zhang, Feixiong Huang, Mark Leidner, and Bachir Annane, “Progress in Extended-DDM Processing for Wind-Field Retrievals”, in *CYGNSS Science Team Meeting}, Pasadena, USA, Jan. 2019.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “A GNSS-R forward model for delay-doppler map assimilation”, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2018, Valencia, Spain, July 2018.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “Assessment of the DDM Forward Model in CYGNSS data assimilation”, in CYGNSS Science Team Meeting, Ann Arbor, USA, May 2018.

Garrison, James, Feixiong Huang, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “Assessment of a Delay-Doppler Map (DDM) Observation Operator for use in CYGNSS Data Assimilation”, in 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April, 2018.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “Development of a Forward Model for the Assimilation of Delay-Doppler Maps (DDMs)”, in 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “GNSS-R DDM Forward Model Status Update”, in CYGNSS Application Workshop II, Monterey, USA, Oct. 2017.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, Kaitie Schoenfeld and Ross Hoffman, “Evaluation of CYGNSS winds retrieved using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and direct assimilation of Delay-Doppler Maps (DDMs)”, in GNSS+R 2017, Ann Arbor, USA, May 2017.

Huang, Feixiong, James L. Garrison, Mark Leidner, Bachir Annane, and Ross Hoffman, “EKF and Forward Model: Status Update”, in CYGNSS Science Team Meeting, Ann Arbor, USA, May 2017.